News News

Aquatic animals preserved in amber have fossilized underwater

• The scientific team, led by Viktor Baranov from the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC, has described three amber pieces containing fossils of aquatic insect larvae.

Five contracts to carry out a doctoral thesis in the Doñana Biological Station - CSIC

Potential candidates should contact the PI of the project to discuss their interest. To be eligible for one of these contracts, the candidate must have a master's degree, be admitted and enrolled to a doctoral program in a Spanish University.

Predation by owls affects the survival of the colony of greater noctule bats in Doñana

A research team of the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC has found that greater noctule bats, one of the most threatened bat species in Europe, do not change their shelter when facing predation risk.
The increase in these deaths might be related to the lack of alternative roosts due to the loss of habitat and breeding areas because of human activity

Actividades de la Estación Biológica de Doñana en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores

Los días 29 y 30 de septiembre, los centros del CSIC de Sevilla celebrarán la Noche Europea de los Investigadores, un evento de divulgación científica que se celebra al mismo tiempo en casi 400 ciudades en toda Europa. Las actividades programadas para este año se llevarán a cabo en la Casa de la Ciencia de Sevilla. La Estación Biológica de Doñana participará en esta edición con cuatro talleres diferentes en los que se aprenderá sobre las características esenciales de las plantas, los grandes...

Researchers identify the species with the highest risk of becoming invasive in Spain

Researchers from 31 Spanish research institutions, coordinated by the InvaNET network and coinciding with the publication of the IPBES report, have identified the 108 alien animal and plant species with the highest risk of having a strong environmental impact in Spain in the next 10 years.

Those include, for example, the Japanese beetle, the roundworm Radopholus similis, or the marine plant Halophila stipulacea. More than 80% of the species identified are not included in the...